Computer Security Technology Ltd

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Information ProtectionInformation & Data Protection

Information & Data Protection mitigates the risk of financial or reputational damage caused by the unauthorised disclosure of sensitive data wherever it lives – at the endpoint, on premise, or in the cloud.

The number of high profile data breaches hitting the news headlines is evidence that organisations are not effectively securing business critical data as it flows across their various communication channels from both internal and external threats.

Where as cyber security addresses the importance of viewing a technology environment from an outside-in perspective. Whether its credit card numbers, blueprints, next month’s payroll details or the ingredients to your secret sauce, all of these can be sold on the black market.

Information Protection addresses the iimportance of viewing a technology environment from inside-out. Whether you have a malicious insider who is actively working against you, or (more likely) well-meaning insiders that simply don’t understand the impact of their actions – CST can help. We can ensure your business can both identify and control sensitive information, therefore reducing the likelihood of it getting in to the wrong hands.

Information Protection solutions recommended:

Delinea Secret Server

Delinea Secret Server secures and manages privileged accounts. The type of accounts that if abused can have far reaching consequences; the kind of accounts that require specific management and extra controls.

Symantec Endpoint Encryption

Symantec Endpoint Encryption provides advanced encryption for desktops, laptops, and removable storage devices. It offers scalable, enterprise-wide security that prevents unauthorised access by using strong access control and powerful encryption.

Symantec Gateway Email Encryption

Symantec Gateway Email Encryption powered by PGP technology provides centrally managed email encryption to secure email communications regardless of whether or not recipients have their own email encryption software.