Secure Your Valuable Data Against Loss
Recent studies from market analysts Gartner and Forester are advising enterprises to adopt additional security controls such as CASB around their public cloud projects. These measures can ensure the protection of valuable corporate information from any form of loss. Are you confident that your business’ sensitive data won’t end up outside the company walls? The public cloud is a revolutionary step forward in the field of data storage technology, and companies should be encouraged to utilise it as it was intended. However, to collaborate effectively in an increasingly social enterprise, would your company benefit from the ability to manage the risk of approved and un-approved cloud applications centrally? Business are required to handle their valuable data with care by ensuring their data security measures protect them against a breach attempt. Symantec DLP (Data Loss Prevention) is a great choice for businesses looking for that extra wall of security. The solution is configured to identify sensitive data (including that defined by GDPR) and uses a variety of advanced data detection techniques to identify data in many forms. Features include: • Regulated data identification, usage tracking and location • Protection policies which allow you to block the flow of sensitive data • Seamless integration with encryption and CASB technologies to protect email, removable media, individual files and data in the cloud. Now you can extend data loss prevention everywhere – both on–premises and to the cloud with Symantec DLP Cloud and Symantec CloudSOC. The solution enables you to: • Discover sensitive data in more than 60 cloud apps including Office 365, Box and Dropbox • Reuse existing DLP policies and workflows for cloud apps • Optimise performance with DLP detection as a service • Enforce DLP policies everywhere from one unified management console. To help you identify areas where your DLP measures could be improved, our expert practitioners at CST would like to exclusively offer you a Shadow Data Assessment of a month’s usage across your cloud apps. We won’t install any software or hardware into your infrastructure to carry out the assessment, causing minimal disruption to your business. The assessment will give you visibility over the following areas: • Sensitive data that could be at risk in the cloud, for example credit card details or PII • Your organisation’s sensitive data that is shared outside of your network • Other cloud applications with read/write permissions which are connected to your cloud • The impact to your business from a data loss – for example, if commercially sensitive data should fall into the hands of a competitor.