Computer Security Technology Ltd

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Cybersecurity That Works For You

Eliminate blind spots and overcome complexity to mitigate the risk of a breach more efficiently. Protect the critical information you store — and the vehicles used to get to it — by bridging the gaps between your various security silos. Secure your organization across all the primary attack surfaces: data, identity and   infrastructure.

Data is what threat actors are after, so make sure you can secure it properly.

Identity is the new perimeter. Secure the identities of users and admins to protect your data and systems.


Protect it all, from endpoints to servers, and from the data center to the cloud.

To achieve your security goals, you need a clear and effective strategy. CST and Netwrix can help you with every phase of your security journey, and choosing integrated solutions will simplify the work while eliminating blind spots. The Netwrix portfolio addresses a complete range of cybersecurity functions:







Why choose Netwrix solutions?

Netwrix empowers information security and governance professionals to identify and protect sensitive data to reduce the risk of a breach. Our solutions also limit the impact of attacks by helping IT teams detect, respond, recover and govern from them faster and with less effort. Over 13,500 organizations worldwide rely on Netwrix solutions to strengthen their security and compliance posture across all three primary attack vectors: data, identity and infrastructure.

There is 1 recommended solution available

Netwrix Auditor Product Demo Webinar

Netwrix Auditor is an agentless platform for structured and unstructured data security. Join us for a live product demo to learn how to stay in control of your sensitive data and the answers you need on your active directory.